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Chinese translation for "add air"


Related Translations:
add uniform:  增加统一场
added damages:  附加损害赔偿
added power:  功率增值
and add:  二天三仙
fuel adding:  燃料加注
add newton:  增加牛顿场
false add:  半加无进位加法
add holder:  增加定位曲线
add table:  加法表
add special:  特级加
Example Sentences:
1.Crazy with the mouse click of the enemy , but to repair your fort and added air force bring your equipment
2.Add air pressure until desired pressure is shown on the gauge . refer to the air spring setting guidelines table below for the proper sag setting
3.Now we add air pressured vibration and music rhythmical vibration to reach our goal which is various multi function massage . as quality management is concerned , hec happiness has earned iso9001 certification
4.Adding air - entrained agent can enhance the heat preservation performance of pumice concrete and improve its durability . using water - reducing admixture can improve the performance of pumice concrete , but the quantum is bigger than in the ordinary concrete
5.Based on the characteristics of the membrane structures , wind - induced nonlinear coupling dynamic response analysis which can be applied to closed membrane structures is developed and the added air mass the pneumatic stiffness and the acoustical damping of the closed membrane structures are deduced . applying the method to an aeroelastic model of wind tunnel test , the displacement the velocity and the acceleration of corresponding prototype structure in time domain are obtained
6.Based on the linear filter technology of random process , artificial wind speed processes are generated with the autogressive - type simulation method , which consider time and spatial correlativity . then the time history record of fluctuating wind pressures are obtained considering the velocities coupling and the added air mass
7.The mixing of air and fuel can be improved , d ) adding air distributary valve at exit of air - intake can increase the amount of air bifurcated into the dome region , so the value of combustion efficiency is increased , e ) increasing gas generator nozzle number can improve combustion characteristics in the dome region and produce good condition for combustion progress , f ) when the fuel streams are ejected into the second combustor with a angle , the combustion efficiency is increased , g ) when the speed of fuel streams increased , the intension and temperature of recirculation region is improved
两个进气道在补燃室周向成180度布置,有利于增强燃气同空气的掺混; 4在进气道出口增加空气分流挡板,有利于增加进入头部的空气流量,提高燃烧效率; 5增加燃气喷管数量能增强燃气同空气在头部的燃烧效果,为燃烧的进行创造良好的条件; 6
8.Abstract : the in servie tubular heaters built early in refineries and chemical plans have low thermal load and low heat efficiency , therefore measures for technical reform are offered , including ( 1 ) enlarging the surface area of convection tubes to increase the thermal load of rhe convection section ; ( 2 ) increasign the heat interchanging area of radiant tubes ; ( 3 ) changing the height of the chimney ; ( 4 ) using new burner with forced air supply to increase calorific capacityu ; ( 5 ) adding air preheater between the convection section and chimney to enhence the temperature of the air entering the furnace ; ( 6 ) adopting high temperature radiant coating to improve the effect of radiant heat interchanging
文摘:针对早期建造的炼油厂和化工厂在役管式加热炉热负荷和热效率低的状况,提出了若干技术改造措施包括,增大对流管表面积以增大对流段的热负荷;增加辐射管的换热面积;修正烟囱高度;换用新型燃烧器,变自然通风为强制供风,以增大燃烧器的发热量,减小过剩空气系数,节省燃料2 % 3 % ;在对流段和烟囱之间增设空气预热器以提高空气入炉温度;采用高温辐射涂料增强辐射换热效果,从而增加热源对炉壁的辐射传热量和炉管的传热量等。
9.The in servie tubular heaters built early in refineries and chemical plans have low thermal load and low heat efficiency , therefore measures for technical reform are offered , including ( 1 ) enlarging the surface area of convection tubes to increase the thermal load of rhe convection section ; ( 2 ) increasign the heat interchanging area of radiant tubes ; ( 3 ) changing the height of the chimney ; ( 4 ) using new burner with forced air supply to increase calorific capacityu ; ( 5 ) adding air preheater between the convection section and chimney to enhence the temperature of the air entering the furnace ; ( 6 ) adopting high temperature radiant coating to improve the effect of radiant heat interchanging
针对早期建造的炼油厂和化工厂在役管式加热炉热负荷和热效率低的状况,提出了若干技术改造措施包括,增大对流管表面积以增大对流段的热负荷;增加辐射管的换热面积;修正烟囱高度;换用新型燃烧器,变自然通风为强制供风,以增大燃烧器的发热量,减小过剩空气系数,节省燃料2 % 3 % ;在对流段和烟囱之间增设空气预热器以提高空气入炉温度;采用高温辐射涂料增强辐射换热效果,从而增加热源对炉壁的辐射传热量和炉管的传热量等。
10." ups is pleased to add air operations to this major port city and expand our comprehensive transportation and logistics network in china . these new flights will give our customers better access to this important market and provide them with improved links to the lucrative intra - asia market , united states and europe , " said richard loi , senior vice president , greater china district , ups asia pacific
Ups亚太大中华区资深副总裁黎松江( richardloi )表示: "我们十分高兴将青岛这样一个著名的港口城市添加到我们庞大的运输网络中来,这样ups的客户就能够更加接近举足轻重的中国市场,与此同时加大了他们与欣欣相荣的亚洲市场以及美国和欧洲的联系。
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